Streamlining check-ins across hospitality and travel with mobile data capture

Efficient identity verification is crucial in hospitality and travel. Traditionally, this meant manually entering data from identity documents such as passports and ID cards. However, this method is not only inefficient, but also inaccurate. Data capture software is revolutionizing ID processes, providing a streamlined, accurate, and secure solution for various touchpoints, from airports over cruise ships to hotels.

Jeremias August 13, 2024 4 mins read
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The problem with manual data entry

Manual data entry is a significant weak spot in check-in workflows. Employees must carefully transcribe information from identity documents, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. Inaccuracies can lead to delays, booking mistakes, and even security risks, particularly in high-traffic environments like airports and cruise terminals. Such inefficiencies negatively impact safety, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

The solution: Barcode scanning and data capture 

To address these challenges, the hospitality and travel industry is adopting advanced ID verification solutions. Modern barcode scanning and data capture tools offer robust capabilities for automating data capture processes, significantly enhancing both accuracy and speed. These can be integrated into any mobile or web app by using an SDK.

Understanding mobile SDKs

A mobile software development kit (SDK) is a set of tools and libraries that developers use to create applications for specific platforms, such as iOS or Android. SDKs also enable businesses to rapidly integrate sophisticated features into their mobile and web apps. They can, for instance, easily add the ability to scan and parse barcodes as well as extract data from ID documents using the camera stream. Capabilities such as these are a tough order for in-house development.

How to leverage PDF417 scanning for efficient data extraction

Our Barcode Scanner SDK, equipped with PDF417 scanning capabilities, efficiently extracts data from U.S. and Canadian driver’s licenses. 

PDF417 is a two-dimensional barcode format that can store a large amount of data in a compact space. This barcode is widely used on identity documents due to its ability to encode detailed personal information securely. It’s particularly common on driver’s licenses.

Example of a US Driver’s License PDF417 code

Parsing a PDF417 code goes beyond just reading the raw barcode data: A PDF417 parser extracts the actual information as key-value pairs, returning data such as the individual’s name, date of birth, and document expiration date. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of human error and significantly speeding up the check-in process.

Utilizing an MRZ scanner for comprehensive data retrieval

Our MRZ Scanner SDK enhances the check-in process further. The Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) is a standardized field on passports and many other identity documents worldwide. It consists of two or three lines of encoded information and is designed to be read automatically. The Scanbot MRZ Scanner can extract a wide range of data, including document type, issuing country, document ID, and more.

MRZ Reader

This SDK also provides key-value-pair extraction: By converting the information from the MRZ into digital text, it enables quick and accurate data entry into systems. This functionality is invaluable for businesses that require precise data handling, such as airlines and immigration authorities.

Companies such as the airline Volaris employ our SDK’s MRZ scanner features to efficiently handle passengers’ passport details and other travel documents during booking and check-in.

In a completely different industry, the Red Cross Flanders uses MRZ scanning to streamline patient identification, which is crucial in emergency situations where quick and accurate identity verification is essential.

Enhancing efficiency and customer experience

Our Barcode Scanner and Data Capture SDKs not only improve operational efficiency, but also enhance the customer experience. Automated data capture ensures a swift, error-free check-in process, reducing waits and thus increasing customer satisfaction. When integrated into customer-facing mobile applications, these solutions enable a convenient, modern self-service check-in experience.

Businesses use these technologies to streamline workflows by automatically extracting key-value pairs from identity documents. Our solutions ensure that the customer data is handled efficiently, securely, and accurately. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also maintains customer trust, as data security and accuracy are critical concerns in the hospitality and travel sectors.

Safeguarding personal data with offline scanning

We prioritize data security, which is why we provide 100% offline functionality. 

All processing occurs exclusively on the user’s device, ensuring that sensitive personal information from identity documents is never transmitted to external servers. This approach eliminates the risk of data leaks, underpinning a secure solution for businesses handling sensitive traveler information. 

By keeping data local, our SDKs ensure enhanced protection and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Accelerating the digital transformation

Integrating Barcode Scanner and Data Capture SDKs is a significant step forward in the digital transformation of hospitality and travel. By automating data capture processes, these technologies provide a reliable, efficient, and secure solution to the bottlenecks caused by manual data entry. Whether in airports, at hotels, on cruise ships, or in other travel environments, these tools are essential for modernizing operations and enhancing the passenger and guest experience.