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How to build an ngx Barcode Scanner with ZXing and the ngx-scanner package

Kevin March 13, 2025 13 mins read
app store

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a simple ngx barcode scanner web app using the @zxing/ngx-scanner package. This package provides an Angular component for scanning 1D and 2D barcodes using the ZXing library.

Scanning a Data Matrix, Aztec, and QR Code with our ngx Barcode Scanner

We’ll achieve this in four steps:

  1. Creating a new Angular project
  2. Installing the ngx-scanner dependency
  3. Implementing the barcode scanning functionalities
  4. Setting up the scanner interface

Let’s get started!


Step 1: Create a new Angular project

First, create a new standalone Angular app using the latest Angular CLI.

npx @angular/cli@latest new angular-barcode-scanner --standalone --defaults

💡 In Angular 14+, the standalone component approach was introduced to simplify application structure and reduce boilerplate code. Traditional Angular apps require @NgModule to declare and import components, directives, and services. Standalone components eliminate the need for NgModule, making the app faster to set up.

Then navigate into the project directory.

cd angular-barcode-scanner

Step 2: Install the ngx-scanner dependency

Install the barcode scanner package via npm.

npm install @zxing/ngx-scanner

Now we’re ready to configure our barcode scanner.

Step 3: Implement the barcode scanning functionalities

Open src/app/app.component.ts and replace its content with the following:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { ZXingScannerModule } from '@zxing/ngx-scanner';
import { BarcodeFormat } from '@zxing/library';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CommonModule, ZXingScannerModule],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
export class AppComponent {
  allowedFormats = [BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, BarcodeFormat.DATA_MATRIX, BarcodeFormat.AZTEC];
  scannedResult: string | null = null;
  hasDevices = false;
  availableDevices: MediaDeviceInfo[] = [];
  selectedDevice: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined;  // Fix: Use `undefined` instead of `null`

  onCodeResult(result: string) {
    this.scannedResult = result;

  onDeviceSelectChange(event: Event) {
    const target = as HTMLSelectElement; // Fix: Properly typecast EventTarget
    this.selectedDevice = this.availableDevices.find(device => device.deviceId === target.value);

  onHasDevices(hasDevices: boolean) {
    this.hasDevices = hasDevices;

  onDevicesFound(devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]) {
    this.availableDevices = devices;
    if (devices.length > 0) {
      this.selectedDevice = devices[0]; // Fix: Ensure a device is selected initially

  onError(error: any) {
    console.error('Barcode scanning error:', error);

Let’s take a closer look at the code.

Module imports:

  • ZXingScannerModule is imported to enable barcode scanning.
  • BarcodeFormat defines the barcode types that can be scanned with this library.

Component setup:

  • standalone: true: This tells Angular that this component doesn’t belong to an NgModule. Instead, it directly imports CommonModule and ZXingScannerModule.
  • imports: [CommonModule, ZXingScannerModule]: Includes necessary Angular and barcode scanning modules.

State variables:

  • allowedFormats: Defines which of the barcode types included in BarcodeFormat we want to scan. The code above enables three 2D barcode symbologies, but feel free to add more. You can find the supported formats in the package’s README.
  • scannedResult: Stores the scanned barcode’s value.
  • hasDevices: Tracks if any camera is detected.
  • availableDevices: Stores a list of detected cameras.
  • selectedDevice: Stores the user-selected camera.

Methods handling events:

  • onCodeResult(result: string): Updates scannedResult when a barcode is scanned.
  • onDeviceSelectChange(event: Event): Updates selectedDevice when the user selects a different camera.
  • onDevicesFound(devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]): Detects available cameras and sets the first camera as default.
  • onError(error: any): Handles any barcode scanning errors.

Step 4: Set up the scanner interface

Next, open src/app/app.component.html and replace its content with:

<h1>Angular Barcode Scanner</h1>

<!-- Camera selection dropdown -->
<div *ngIf="hasDevices">
  <label for="deviceSelect">Choose Camera:</label>
  <select id="deviceSelect" (change)="onDeviceSelectChange($event)">
    <option *ngFor="let device of availableDevices" [value]="device.deviceId">
      {{ device.label || 'Unknown Camera' }}

<!-- Barcode scanner component -->

<!-- Display scanned result -->
<p *ngIf="scannedResult">
  <strong>Scanned Code:</strong> {{ scannedResult }}

Here’s a breakdown of each section:

Camera selection dropdown:

  • Displays a list of available cameras.
  • Calls onDeviceSelectChange($event) when the user selects a camera.

Barcode scanner component:

  • formats: Limits the scanner to the barcode formats specified in app.component.ts.
  • autostart="true": Automatically starts the camera.
  • device: Uses the selected camera.
  • scanSuccess: Calls onCodeResult() when a barcode is scanned.
  • camerasFound: Calls onDevicesFound() when cameras are detected.
  • camerasNotFound: Disables scanning if no cameras are available.
  • scanError: Logs errors.

Display scanned result:

  • Shows the scanned barcode text after a successful scan.

Now that everything is set up, you can run the app and scan some barcodes.

ng serve --open
Scanning a Data Matrix, Aztec, and QR Code with our ngx Barcode Scanner

Disadvantages of using ngx-scanner for scanning barcodes

The ngx-scanner library is easy to integrate into Angular projects, making it a good choice for quick prototyping or personal projects.

However, it comes with a few drawbacks:

  • Compatibility issues: Users have reported issues when using “ngx-scanner” with specific Angular versions, e.g., errors caused by incompatible peer dependencies. This has also led to the scanner not functioning properly on some devices, such as video tags failing to display.
  • Functional limitations: The ngx-scanner library sometimes struggles with small barcodes, especially when using budget cameras.
  • Implementation challenges: Developers have encountered errors when embedding the scanner in modals or specific components, leading to problems with activating the camera.

For companies that heavily rely on barcode scanning in their business processes, we recommend using an enterprise-grade solution instead.

Building an ngx Barcode Scanner with the Scanbot SDK

We developed the Scanbot Web Barcode Scanner SDK to help enterprises overcome the hurdles presented by free barcode scanning software. Our goal was to have a developer-friendly solution available for a wide range of platforms that consistently delivers high-quality results – even in challenging circumstances.

Scanning a QR code with our Angular Barcode Scanner

This tutorial will demonstrate how to integrate the SDK using Angular 18, following best practices with standalone components and injectable services. As an architectural paradigm that supersedes the NgModule approach, standalone components make imports much easier, reduce code overhead, and futureproof your application going forward.


Project setup

We’ll start with a fresh Angular 18 project using the CLI, which automatically creates all the necessary Angular framework files.

In your terminal, navigate to where you want to place the app and create a new project called “scanbot-tut” with the following command:

ng new scanbot-tut --standalone --skip-git

We add --standalone to specify that the project is based on standalone components (i.e., not NgModule), and we add --skip-git simply so that Angular doesn’t try to initialize a new Git repo for this demo.

When prompted, select:

  • “CSS” (default) for stylesheet format
  • “N” (default) to enabling SSR and SSG/Prerendering

Once the project is created, navigate into it and install the Scanbot Web SDK package with npm using the --save option to add it to your project’s dependencies:

cd scanbot-tut
npm install scanbot-web-sdk --save

Since Angular’s build process doesn’t automatically handle WebAssembly (WASM) files, we need to ensure that these files are included in the final build output. Copy all the files from /scanbot-tut/node_modules/scanbot-web-sdk/bundle/bin/barcode-scanner/ to a new directory called wasm inside the app’s public directory.

You can quickly copy them using the following command:

mkdir -p public/wasm && cp -r node_modules/scanbot-web-sdk/bundle/bin/barcode-scanner/* public/wasm

Now we have our Angular project ready and scaffolded along with the Scanbot SDK and the engine files needed to run the SDK. Let’s get coding and put it all together into a basic app!

Creating the barcode scanner service

First, let’s create a service to handle the Scanbot SDK initialization and scanner configuration.

We could use the CLI command ng generate service services/barcode-scanner to automatically create the separate files, but we only need one service.ts file for this example (and not the spec.ts file).

Create a new directory src/app/services and a file called barcode-scanner.service.ts inside it and add the following code:

import { Injectable, signal } from '@angular/core';
import ScanbotSDK from 'scanbot-web-sdk/ui';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class BarcodeScannerService {
  private readonly scanResult = signal<string | null>(null);

  constructor() {
    this.initScanbotSDK(); // Initialize SDK in constructor

  // Initialization method for constructor
  private initScanbotSDK(): void {
    try {
      const settings = {
        licenseKey: '', // Add your license key or leave blank for trial
        enginePath: '/wasm/', // Location of the engine's WebAssembly/JS files
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error initializing Scanbot SDK:', error);

  getScanResult() {
    return this.scanResult.asReadonly();

  async startScanner() {
    const config = this.createScannerConfig();
    const result = await ScanbotSDK.UI.createBarcodeScanner(config);

    if (result && result.items.length > 0) {

    return result;

  private createScannerConfig() {
    const config = new ScanbotSDK.UI.Config.BarcodeScannerScreenConfiguration();

    // Single/multi-barcode scanning configuration
    const useCase = new ScanbotSDK.UI.Config.SingleScanningMode();
    config.useCase = useCase;

    // AR overlay configuration
    useCase.arOverlay.visible = false;
    useCase.arOverlay.automaticSelectionEnabled = false;

    return config;

The above code specifies the barcode scanner service as an injectable dependency that can be inserted into any standalone component. In other words, it exposes the BarcodeScannerService class to any component that needs it, while encapsulating all the logic needed to initialize and configure the SDK.

To customize the look and feel of the scanner’s Ready-To-Use UI, the createScannerConfig() method creates and returns a config object which is populated with the desired configuration.

Then, config is passed to the SDK’s createBarcodeScanner() method, which finally starts the barcode scanner and returns a result when it detects a barcode. You can learn about the different configuration options shown above (and more) in our API Documentation.

To set the use case between single- and multi-barcode scanning, simply apply the appropriate config method on this line:

const useCase = new ScanbotSDK.UI.Config.SingleScanningMode();

Switch between SingleScanningMode() or MultipleScanningMode() as desired.

To enable and disable the AR overlay and the automatic selection feature, go to the following lines and set either option to true or false:

useCase.arOverlay.visible = false;
useCase.arOverlay.automaticSelectionEnabled = false;

You can keep these features off for now, since we only want to test scanning a single barcode in this tutorial.

💡 The SDK is initialized with your Scanbot license key. You have the option of leaving the licenseKey empty to use a trial mode that works for 60 seconds per session or getting a free 7-day trial by submitting the trial license form on our website.

Creating the scanner component

Next, we will add a scanner component that can later be added anywhere else in your application, to which the scanner service will be attached (injected).

Again, we could use the CLI to create this component with ng generate component components/scanner --standalone, but here we will inline the template for a full view of what is going on in this component.

Create a new directory src/app/components/scanner and a file called scanner.component.ts inside it and add the following code:

import { Component, inject } from '@angular/core';
import { BarcodeScannerService } from '../../services/barcode-scanner.service';

  selector: 'app-scanner',
  standalone: true,
  template: `
    <div class="scanner-container">
      <button (click)="startScanner()" class="scan-button">
        Start Scanner
      @if (scanResult()) {
      <div class="result">Scanned Code: {{ scanResult() }}</div>
  styles: [ /* ... your styles ... */ ],
export class ScannerComponent {
  private readonly scannerService = inject(BarcodeScannerService);
  protected readonly scanResult = this.scannerService.getScanResult();

  async startScanner() {
    await this.scannerService.startScanner();

Here, the barcode scanner service that we created in the previous step is added to the ScannerComponent via the assignment of scannerService = inject(BarcodeScannerService).

The component’s template metadata includes inline code that adds a button which starts the scanner with startScanner(). When a barcode is detected by the scanner, the result is stored within scanResult for display and any further processing by your app.

💡 Reminder: For best Angular practice, this inline template code ought to be in its own template file (.html) specified with templateURL.

Updating the app component

Now, let’s update the root app component to use our scanner component.

Replace the contents of src/app/app.component.ts with the following:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ScannerComponent } from './components/scanner/scanner.component';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [ScannerComponent],
  template: `
    <main class="app-container">
      <h1>Scanbot Barcode Scanner Demo</h1>
      <app-scanner />
  styles: [ /* ... your styles ... */ ],
export class AppComponent {}

Here, AppComponent imports ScannerComponent, which also includes the BarcodeScannerService (as an injected dependency). As soon as we launch the app, the Scanbot SDK will be initialized in the background, ready to begin scanning once the start button is clicked.

Our Angular Barcode Scanner in action

This overall architecture provides several benefits:

Separation of concerns:

  • The BarcodeScannerService handles all SDK initialization and configuration
  • The ScannerComponent manages the UI and user interactions
  • The AppComponent serves as the application shell

State management:

  • Uses Angular’s signals for reactive state management
  • The scan result is managed centrally in the service
  • Components can subscribe to state changes efficiently

Dependency injection:

  • The service is provided at the root level
  • Components use dependency injection to access the service
  • Makes testing and maintenance easier

Standalone components:

  • No NgModule needed
  • Components declare their own dependencies
  • Better tree-shaking and build optimization

Running the app on your phone

To test your Angular app on your phone, you can try one of the following options.

Using a production build

Build your app for production …

ng build

… and upload the inner contents of the dist/scanbot-tut/browser directory to After creating an account, you’ll get a URL to access your app on your mobile device.

Using a development server

Option 1: ngrok

Use ngrok to create a secure tunnel to your development server. This is ideal for development as you can see changes in real-time. Follow ngrok’s Quick Start guide to get started.

Option 2: Local network access

To make your Angular development server accessible over your local network, use ng serve in your terminal with host as a wildcard address ( or your current IP address, and specify the --ssl option:

ng serve --ssl --host

Angular will now serve your app on the local network with a self-signed SSL certificate for HTTPS.

Then, simply open your mobile browser and enter the network URL shown in your terminal. Ignore the warning about a potential security risk, as this is to be expected with self-signed SSL certificates.

Scanning a QR code with our Angular Barcode Scanner


🎉 Congratulations! You now have a fully functional barcode scanner integrated into your Angular 18 application, built with modern best practices.

The scanner is customizable and supports features like multi-barcode scanning and AR overlay. For more customization options, check out the RTU UI Documentation and the API Documentation.

If this tutorial has piqued your interest in integrating barcode scanning functionalities into your web app, make sure to take a look at our SDK’s other neat features in our documentation – or run our example project for a more hands-on experience.

Should you have questions about this tutorial or run into any issues, we’re happy to help! Just shoot us an email via

Happy scanning! 🤳