How Scanbot SDK supports WEISSER RING’s victim aid


Weisser Ring Success Story

WEISSER RING is a German non-profit organization that provides support to crime victims. Across the country, almost 3,000 volunteers offer the victims an open ear and emotional support. Depending on the case, the association also provides financial assistance.


Other Industries

Company Size

3,000 employees

Use Case

Document scanning to transfer relevant documents to the headquarters



Development Platform




WEISSER RING is an association that aims to help crime victims quickly and directly. For this purpose, the organization has established a nationwide network of more than 400 local offices and 2,900 voluntary victim helpers who take care of victims’ needs on-site. The aid takes various forms: Besides emotional support, this includes accompanying victims to appointments with the police, the public prosecutor’s office, and the courts, granting legal aid, and providing financial support in crime-related emergencies.



For their work, volunteers need to collect relevant information and important documents. However, the exchange of these documents between the local helpers and the WEISSER RING headquarters in Mainz by mail or fax is a large administrative and financial burden. The resulting delays impede the rapid assistance that is so necessary for victims. Additionally, there are considerable data protection problems.



To solve these problems, WEISSER RING developed the EDA app, which uses the Scanbot Document Scanner SDK to digitize documents. With this tool, volunteers can now scan and transfer the documents rapidly and in compliance with data protection laws.

Key results

Document Encryption

Secure encryption of sensitive data


Scanbot SDK Real Time Feature

Shorter processing times resulting in faster victim assistance


Scanbot SDK Product

More efficient processes at the regional offices & the headquarters


Weisser Ring Success Story

The app plays an important role in WEISSER RING’s electronic data exchange. Our volunteers can now do their work faster and more efficiently, while the headquarters receive documents in best scanning quality and can directly process the delivered data within the digital workflow. Briefly: The use of the app saves time and resources in the local offices and headquarters, resulting in better protection for the affected people.

Rainer Rühs

Team Lead IT

Direct comparison: How WEISSER RING can now provide victims with assistance sooner

WEISSER RING’s workflow before integrating the Document Scanner SDK

  1. To request assistance, the victim submits the required documents at the local office.
  2. The documents are forwarded to the headquarters by mail or fax – this takes up to two days. The documents may also be lost or damaged in transit. The biggest concern, however, is data protection.
  3. Once the documents have arrived at the headquarters, employees must manually digitize them, further delaying aid.

WEISSER RING’s workflow after integrating the Document Scanner SDK

  1. To request assistance, the victim submits the required documents at the local office.
  2. An employee now scans the documents with the EDA app and sends the digital copies directly to the headquarters. The Scanbot SDK is GDPR-compliant and operates exclusively on the user’s device. This guarantees the integrity of sensitive information.
  3. The headquarters receive the digitized documents within seconds and can process them immediately. Quick help can now be provided to the victim.

By integrating the Scanbot SDK into its mobile app, WEISSER RING …

…created a fast and secure document submission workflow that ensures frictionless victim aid.

Scanbot SDK’s vision and mission

Our initial goal for the Scanbot SDK was for it to read any text-based information via mobile devices – today, this has become a reality. The easy-to-integrate software creates virtually endless possibilities to streamline and facilitate processes for companies, employees, and customers alike, whether in document management, onboarding, sales, or HR.

We now use computer vision algorithms and machine learning models that understand all kinds of complex document types to open up even more possibilities for automated workflows that connect and process data in real time.

At the same time, we want to protect users’ personal data, which is why we opted for on-device intelligence. Scan results are encrypted before transmission to keep them safe from any outside attacks. To guarantee maximum privacy, no data is ever sent to Scanbot’s or any other server.

Ready to explore synergies?

Talk to one of our solutions experts to discover how we can solve your mobile data capture requirements.