Accelerated document transmission from driver to HQ


Microdea Success Story

‍A company dedicated to creating document management software for the logistics & transportation industry


Freight Logistics

Company Size

‍Around 100 employees

Use Case

‍Mobile application for logistics & transportation


‍iOS and Android

Development Platform




Microdea wants to offer its enterprise customers in the logistics sector simple, digital document workflows with the “Origin Mobile” app. High-quality digital copies of physical documents are essential for this purpose and a frictionless real-time information flow.



To replace outdated hardware scanners and paper documents with digital alternatives, Microdea needed a reliable document scanner integrated into the mobile app. User guidance, automatic cropping, and quality-enhancing image filters were essential features the enterprise aimed for.



The Scanbot SDK, with its cutting-edge Document Scanner SDK, provides all the features needed for high-quality scanning results and smooth processing. It enabled Microdea to create an efficient workflow for users of the “Origin Mobile” app and reduce costs and workload for their enterprise customers.

Key results

Scanbot SDK Real Time Feature

Accelerated workflows


Fast integration


Scanbot SDK Cost Efficient

Reduced operational costs


Microdea Success Story

The SDK is easy to use for our developers and the image quality has been good. The users love the border detection option, the flexible settings that can be configured for document format and the camera options.

Hela Fourati

Software Engineering Team Lead

The goal – Streamlining document processing within Microdea’s app „Origin Mobile“

The Ontario-based software company “Microdea” is dedicated to accelerating logistics operations. Offering the mobile application “Origin Mobile” for truck drivers, the main goal is to make dealing with any physical documents more convenient by enabling data capture on the go. When trying to achieve this goal, it became clear that robust document scanning functionalities are crucial.

Up-to-date scanning features replaced the necessity of integrating hardware scanners inside trucks or using those placed at gas stations, which usually delivered low quality at a high price. Truck drivers who could not find access to a hardware scanner used to deliver documents, such as the Bill of Lading, as physical copies to their offices, causing friction and delays within the supply chain. The “Origin Mobile” application now offers a feasible and convenient alternative to these processes by implementing the Scanbot Scanner SDK.

A truck driver’s workflow before using Origin Mobile

  1. A driver receives various documents every day, such as a scale ticket, proof of delivery or Bill of Lading
  2. The two possible options: They could either bring the physical document to their head office or scan them with hardware scanners that are provided by truck stops or integrated in some of the trucks. While the first method often leads to loss or damage to the documents, the second option results in low-quality scans that cause lots of additional work on the backend.
  3. They now have to wait for the document to be processed in the head office, which can take up to a few days altogether. During this process, the drivers do not receive the money that is due to them. 

Scanbot SDK’s solution

Through its dedication to digitalizing workflows containing physical paperwork, Scanbot offered the perfect mobile scanning solution for Microdea’s problem regarding their “Origin Mobile” application. By providing a Scanner SDK that includes document scanning, auto-cropping, document detection, and a customizable UI, Scanbot was able to support Microdea on their way to create a fully digitalized workflow for truck drivers in North America.

Snapping a perfect scan became as easy as 1-2-3 since the SDK has a customizable user interface that leads its users to the correct scanning position. Automatic cropping and enhancing filters are extra features that guarantee a workable scanning result that does not require further manual processing – saving lots of time both on the road and in the office!

The workflow after implementing the Scanbot SDK

  1. Information on the loads/trips for each driver is sent to the Origin Mobile app on their phone.
  2. The driver can capture document images with the help of the implemented Scanbot Scanner SDK that covers all parts of the work process, such as: Bill of Lading when picking up a load, Scale ticket that is received after weighting the load, fuel receipt, Proof of Delivery when dropping off the load
  3. Each document is sent to the office digitally with no need to further adjust it due to the auto-cropping function and enhanced image quality provided by the SDK.
  4. When the driver has completed a load, they can mark the load as done, which can trigger the start of the billing process and helps companies to improve their cashflow.

By implementing the Scanbot Scanner SDK, Microdea was able to:‍

  • Smoothly integrate a scanning functionality into “Origin Mobile”.
  • Guarantee a straightforward workflow through automatic cropping, image-enhancing filters, and a UI that guides even inexperienced smartphone users into the right scanning position.
  • Accelerate the workflow of truck drivers in North America.
  • Lower efforts and costs of logistics and transportation companies that are using the mobile application.

Scanbot SDK’s mission and vision

Our initial goal for the Scanbot SDK was for it to read any text-based information via mobile devices – today, this has become a reality. The easy-to-integrate software creates virtually endless possibilities to streamline and facilitate processes for companies, employees, and customers alike, whether in document management, onboarding, sales, or HR.

We now build computer vision algorithms and machine learning models that understand all kinds of different document types. Our efforts open up even more possibilities for automated workflows that connect and process data in real time.

At the same time, we want to protect users’ personal data, which is why we opted for on-device intelligence. Scan results are encrypted before transmission to keep them safe from any outside attacks. To guarantee maximum privacy, no data is ever sent to Scanbot SDK’s or any other server.

Ready to explore synergies?

Talk to one of our solutions experts to discover how we can solve your mobile data capture requirements.