Smartphones as mobile air travel scanners

Upgrade your airline operations with fast & accurate scanning solutions

Air Travel Scanner

Enterprises that use our solutions

All-in-one: ID Scanning, Barcodes, and more

Scanbot SDK offers comprehensive data extraction features for international ID documents and for all standard 1D- and 2D-barcodes. Integrated into internal and customer-facing apps, our SDK covers use cases such as check-in, boarding, or baggage handling. This makes life easier for both your employees and passengers – all on one device.

With fast and accurate scanning capabilities, you can streamline your operations for maximum efficiency and a superior user experience at the lowest cost. Scanbot SDK’s fixed pricing model doesn’t punish your success – we do not track any volume variables.

Scanbot SDK Flexibility

Highest flexibility

Scanbot SDK Cost Efficient

Cost efficient

Passenger Friendly


Air Travel Barcode Scanner

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MRZ Reader

The Scanbot SDK replaces outdated, inflexible hardware

Your enterprise can gain maximum flexibility at minimum cost by integrating a mobile Scanner SDK into internal or customer-facing apps. Standard hardware scanners are costly to acquire and maintain while offering little room for flexibility in terms of location and applications. Low-cost intelligent devices can quickly be adjusted to newly emerging use cases and enable scanning on the go anywhere in the airport.

Scanbot SDK Real Time Feature

Fast & reliable

Scanbot SDK Product

Countless use cases

Fixed annual license fee

Integrated within hours, not weeks

Would you like to cut time-to-value short? No problem! The Scanbot SDK can be integrated into your application or website within just a few hours. The detailed documentation lets your developers integrate the SDK with ease, while our developer team is always ready to help via dedicated Slack channels.

Your annual fee also covers all updates, fixes, and new functionalities, providing your employees and passengers with top-quality features at all times.

You’re facing a new use case? Our team is flexible and ready to help you adapt to new challenges at any time. Our solutions are versatile – the perfect match for the fast-paced environment of the Air Travel sector.

Ready-To-Use UI Components

Fully customizable

Short Time to Value

Short Time-To-Value

Air Travel Solutions
BarTrack Success Story

Very pleasant cooperation with the team. Very smooth communication via Slack and great to see that agreed-upon targets were actually met! It is really a joy to work with Scanbot SDK.

Bart Grol


Read Success Story

Ready to try the SDK inside your app?

Set up a test project and evaluate the SDK in your app for free!